Devoted to Mother Mary: A Photo Story of Thomasians Honoring the Blessed Virgin & Celebrating Fr. Ben

Photos By Georgene Quilaton-Tambiga & Rachel Mae De Gracia, CVPro

As if by the stroke of the Divine Hand, Rev. Fr. Monday Benjamine Edobor, OAR was born on the Feast of the Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Thus, the Thomasian community celebrated two birthdays last September 8, 2023.

Thomasians offered fresh flowers to the Blessed Virgin after the communal praying of the Holy Rosary. Then, in chorus a birthday song was sang for Fr. Edobor. The CST-R Vice-President for Identity, Formation & Mission later received gifts from the students.

Marian Devotee. A Thomasian touches the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary after offering a flower and a prayer during the celebration of the Feast of her birthday.
Flowers for Mama Mary. As Augustinian Recollect students, Thomasians are being formed to become Marian devotees.
The Holy Rosary. Thomasians pray the Holy Rosary as one community right after the flag ceremony.
Mary’s Intercession. Christian Life Formation (CLF) teachers Robit Cuevas and Joshua Mouit lead the praying of the Holy Rosary as students join in the prayers before they head into the third day of their first preliminary examination for A.Y. 2023-2024.
Intercede for the Filipino Youth. Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary is being promoted most especially to the youth who are faced with many challenges in a rapidly evolving society. The Holy Father Pope Francis even shared to the participants of the recent World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal that Mary is a missionary of joy.
The Birthday Boy. Rev. Fr. Monday Benjamine Edobor, OAR joyfully receives the greetings and well wishes of the Thomasian community.


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