Religious in the Diocese of San Carlos Celebrated World Day for Consecrated Life
Admin | 07:56By Sr. Sharon Templaza, FMIJ In 1997, Pope St. John Paul II instituted the annual Feast of the Presentation of the Lord as the World Day for Men and Women in Consecrated Life. This global celebration is now on its...
IN PHOTOS: Thomasian Innovators Join the 2025 Edition of the ICIA-Philippine Selection
Admin | 07:29Photos By Marinell Ocampo, PhD, LPT and Stephanie Remada After winning the Grand Prize in Thailand last year, Thomasians are back in the International Creativity and Innovation Award (ICIA) campaign once again. The Visayas Leg of the Philippine Selection...

Newly Ordained Thomasian Priest Comes Home to Give Thanks
Admin | 02:38Story and Photos By Georgene Quilaton-Tambiga With thanksgiving in his heart and praise on his lips, a Thomasian came home to celebrate his recent ordination into the priesthood. Rev. Fr. Jhyryx Vincent F. Gamulo, OAR, a member of Colegio...