Story & Photos By Georgene Quilaton-Tambiga
Thomasian Maintenance Department, science, TLE and scouting teachers and staff joined in an exclusive training and demonstration for making organic liquid fertilizers last January 31, 2024 at the Student Kiosks alongside the site of the Jardin de La Salud. The training was in preparation for the revival of Jardin de La Salud.
Lunhaw Ecological Ministry’s Bernadette Icalina Gador, trainer and organic demo-farmer, showed the Thomasian community the methods of making Fermented Fruit Juice, Fermented Plant Juice and Fish Amino Acid Juice.
Using only kangkong leaves (Sc. Ipomoea aquatica) and molasses, Aivan Cañete and Reyna Cris Unabia, TLE teachers, prepared the fermented plant juice amino acid fertilizer.
Science teacher Sophia Tabares used bananas and overripe oranges to prepare the fermented fruit juice amino acid wash. Gador, who also works at the Office of the Bishop of San Carlos and trains organic farmers under the diocese, said that organic fertilizer made from fruits is also best for spraying unto fruit bearing trees and shrubs.
The staff of the maintenance department prepared the fish amino acid wash. These liquid organic preparations will be used to condition the site and the soil for the Jardin.
The initial fund for reviving the Garden of Health (Jardin de La Salud) came from birthday gifts for Rev. Fr. Cristopher Maspara, OAR, the school president. Fr. Maspara is personally leading the project.
The Jardin was first launched in October 2021 to help build food sustainability as Thomasian faculty and staff weathered the challenges of the pandemic.
ARCORES International funded the project that mainly supported employees with fresh vegetables and herbs. But in December 2021, the Jardin was destroyed by Typhoon Odette.
This time, it is being revived with the collaboration of Lunhaw under the Diocese of San Carlos. Thomasian teachers, staff, selected students and scouts together with scholars under the Diocese and youth volunteers of Lunhaw are expected to render service in order to fully re-launch the Jardin within the year.