The Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts and Rover Scouts spent another unforgettable weekend under the stars! The Thomasian Scouts immersed themselves in nature during the CST-R Institutional Encampment 2024.
The Senior Rover and Eagle Scouts served as guides during the camping and scouting activities held at CST-R Golden Eagles Football Field and Quadrangle last February 23-25, 2024.
From building campfires to mastering outdoor skills, every activity that the scouts accomplished took them to a step closer to fully embracing the Scouting spirit.
We are the Girl Scouts. The CST-R Girl Scouts complete the activities and tasks during the CST-R Institutional Encampment 2024. Ms. Sophia Nicole Tabares is the CST-R GSP Coordinator. CST-R Boy Scouts. The Rover Scouts serve as guides for the younger Boy Scouts during the CST-R Institutional Encampmet 2024. Mr. Jepcie Jerota serves as their scout master or CST-R BSP Coordinator. Fun and Learning. The Boy Scouts get serious about building the spirit of teamwork but also have so much fun in the process. The Recollect Scouts. Being Augustinian Recollect Scouts, the offering of the Holy Mass is a part of the CST-R Institutional Encampment 2024. Here Rev. Fr. Joel Dequilla, OAR and Rev. Fr. Excel Saycon, OAR celebrate the Holy Mass with the scouts in attendance. The Drills. Drills and formation are a part of the camp.