Bring in your oldest and most valuable Thomasian memorabilia and be part of the ’80 Mementos’ movement that will help re-establish a mini-museum at Colegio de Sto. Tomas-Recoletos.
This art collection drive is part of the 80th Founding Anniversary activities. After CST-R lost the Rev. Fr. Oscar dela Rosa Collection that was once housed in a mini-museum on the second-floor landing of the St. Augustine Building, the school is now aiming at putting up its own art collection once again.
Below are the guidelines.
80 Mementos
Article 1. In celebration of CST-R’s 80th Founding Anniversary, the institution aims to re-establish a mini-museum that will be temporarily situated in the School Library.
A.2. For a start, the school will be collecting items from the Alumni that relate to their varied experiences as high school students in CST-R.
A.3. Items may be in line with the following categories: Academics– classic books on literature, history, philosophy and the related arts; yellow books that contain life-changing answers or test results; school projects of impressive art and workmanship; exclusive and rare editions of maps and periodic tables; souvenirs or photographs taken with or by Thomasian teachers during school activities Sports- medals of historic achievements in sports; trophies of historic wins of CST-R team; printed/framed photographs of unforgettable matches where Thomasians are involved; jersey uniforms; sports equipment used in trainings and matches that represent the Golden Eagles spirit; sports items owned or used by iconic sportsmen/women who are Thomasians or had been part of the Golden Eagles Identity– school uniforms that represent stories and experiences at CST-R; CST-R band uniforms; sets of school IDs that show one’s growth as a Thomasian Technology– items that represent the technological evolution that take place in the school setting like calculators, projector acetate, film cameras once used for taking photos in CST-R, films of photographs of CST-R activities, diskettes that were once used in IT classes at CST-R, cassette tapes or discs of music for school dances and performances.
A.4. Submit these items with proper label that include the following data:
Name of the donor/s or name of the family (if the item is common family property), Year graduated or last attended in CST-R, Category where the item belongs (refer to Article 3 of the Guidelines), Estimated age of the item
A.5. Submit a 100-word, typewritten or computer printed essay of the story behind and significance of the item.
A.6. The item, its label and its story must be submitted to Mr. Marionne Van C. Sasis at the CST-R Faculty Room, Ground Floor, CST-R.
A.7. Submitted items are considered donations to the school. No compensation shall be given to donors but they shall be duly recognized for the donation/s. Photographs and submitted essays will be published in an exclusive catalogue as part of the 80th Founding Anniversary Celebration.
A.8. Deadline of submission will be in June 2020.
A.9. The mini-museum will be officially opened to students on July 2020 and to the entire Thomasian community (alumni and family of Thomasians) on October 2020.