CST-R Passes Q4 Earthquake Drill Evaluation

Story & Photos By Georgene Quilaton-Tambiga

November 16, 2022—San Carlos City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (CDRRMO) evaluators gave Thomasians a passing rate during the conduct of the Quarter 4 Earthquake Drill.

Thomasians in all levels of the Basic Education Department with their teachers and the non-teaching staff participated. Members of the Thomasian Emergency Assistance Management (TEAM) facilitated the drill from orienting the school-community to leading the participants during the evacuation proper.

Evaluators from the CDRRMO commended Thomasians for religiously abiding by the Drop, Cover & Hold protocol of earthquake evacuation. Evaluators included Chester Christian dela Victoria, Tyrone James Marabillo, Rouel Riantoco and Lee Roble.

The Golden Eagles Football Field served as evacuation area.

Drop. Two seventh graders evacuate from the St. Monica Building.
Stay Close to the Ground. Thomasians at the field that served as evacuation area
Buddy System. Thomasians check on each of their ‘buddy’ while staying on their lines.
Evaluation Proper. CDRRMO evaluators Rouel Riantoco and Tyrone James Marabillo check if Thomasians passed and performed the drill indicators.
Reporting. Teachers report the number of their students on evacuation site.
Cover. Upon arriving at the evacuation site, Thomasians maintain the hands-covering-the-head position.
De-briefing. CDRRMO evaluators give their comments, suggestions, rating and de-briefing to Thomasian faculty and staff who are members of the TEAM.
Passed! CST-R is awarded the passing rate for the Q4 Earthquake Drill.
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