Thomasian Girl Scouts Go Backyard Camping, Welcome Grade 7 Scouts

Story By Mae Jolie Bautista

Photos By Roger Belga

February 1, 2020 –GSP Corps Staff led the Opening Ceremonies at the historic Colegio de Sto. Tomas-Recoletos field. Camp building was the first activity and the girl scouts practiced cooperation and teamwork as they together built their camp layout, camp altar, and camp devices.

Challenge Accepted! New Thomasian Girl Scouts undergo the Obstacle Course.

The Cooking Challenge and Obstacle Course kept the scouts busy the rest of the afternoon. Some scouts have experienced camping during their elementary school years but for a few, the Backyard Camping at CST-R was their first time.

The Grand Campfire was the highlight of the evening when each of the Outfits presented their songs and yells routine rehearsed since school resumed in January of 2020. Around the traditional fire that kept aflame the spirit of scouting for decades, the Thomasian Girl Scouts presented skits that focus on how the Girls Scouts of the Philippines (GSP), as an organization, deal with current tragedies.

The highly anticipated Trust Exercise capped Day 1 at the camp.

Ready, Set, Fire! Girl Scouts prepare for the Grand Campfire.

A Holy Mass, with Rev. Fr. Renier I. Alviola, OAR as main celebrant, highlighted the second day. It was after the energizing Zumba session that the girls focused on spirituality and the Word of God.

Daughters of God. Girl Scouts attend the Holy Mass at the St. Ezekiel Moreno Covered Court. Rev. Fr. Renier Alviola, OAR preaches during his Homily.

By noon, the girls ate their last camp before packing up their bags and breaking camp. The happy campers went home bringing with them treasured scouting experiences, memories with friends and new life skills acquired from Backyard Camping.

Camping Fun. Thomasian Girl Scouts enjoy various activities.
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