Theme: “CST-R at 83: We grow as one community.”
- The contest is open to students, faculty, non-teaching employees, and
all alumni of CST-R.
*Thomasian alumni are those who have graduated from CST-R after completing the
BEC or RBEC curriculum and those who have graduated from the school after
completing the Senior High School curriculum.
- A contestant may submit only one (1) entry.
- The logo must embody the theme above stated.
- All entries must be the original work of the contestant; no part of it must be copied
from the work of another individual or organization.
- All entries must be submitted by May 15, 2023.
- Entries must be submitted in any of the following formats:
- Digital Format sent in JPEG format, with a 200ppi to 300ppi that could fit a short
size (8.5” X 11”) bond paper; no watermark
- Printed Format in full color on a short size (8.5” X 11”) bond paper
- Painted or Illustrated Format using water-based paint or ink on a short size (8.5”
X 11”) bond paper; no designer’s signature on the canvass
- The digital format must be sent to [email protected].
- Printed, painted, or illustrated formats entries must be sent or hand carried to The
Secretary to the Office of the President, Colegio de Sto. Tomas-Recoletos, Inc.,
Azcona Street, San Carlos City, Negros Occidental 6127, and must reach the said
destination on or before May 15, 2023.
- In a short-sized brown envelope, the entries must be placed together with the filled-
out ENTRY FORM with a NOTARIZED Statement of Original Work.
ENTRY FORM LINK https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSegIbv8Yz1cRRrtP6FM3kD2PWkSJhJAL0ua5ALnr1aZUD0OeQ/viewform?usp=pp_url
- Entries found to be unoriginal shall be automatically disqualified.
- A brief printed rationale (not more than 200 words) must be included in the email or
package explaining the components of the logo.
- Any other violations of the guidelines shall automatically disqualify the entry.
- The criteria for judging are as follows: Creativity- 20%; Relevance to the Theme- 25%; Originality- 20%; Thomasian Spirit- 25%; Visual Impact- 10% – TOTAL 100%
- The lone winner of the Contest will be announced on May 31, 2023, since the logo
will be launched during the End-of-School-Year Rites in June 2023.
- The announcement will also be made via www.cstr.edu.ph and the Official CST-R
Facebook Page.
- Following the logo selection, the organizers reserve the right to further develop the
winning logo design.
- The winning logo will be considered property of CST-R and it shall be used in all
promotional materials and all official activities until April 19, 2024.