Story By Samantha Eve Ruth Costanilla & Leanna Sto. Domingo, CV Pro
Photos By Rachel De Gracia, CV Pro
“It’s about making friends and embracing our school.”
Colegio de Sto. Tomas-Recoletos officially welcomed Grade 7 students to the Thomasian community with the Pakighimamat 2023, last September 22, and the upper class’s message to the neophytes was warm with the Augustinian values of friendship and community.
The day began with energetic cheers from each of the four sections: Blessed Vicente Soler, St. Fulgentius of Ruspe, St. Sebastian, and St. Ambrose, showcasing unity and diversity.
“Embrace new beginnings and build new friendships,” said Ms. Marinell T. Ocampo, school principal. Newly elected Supreme Student Council President Karl Osano, from Grade 12, also gave the seventh graders and transferees a warm Thomasian welcome during his inspirational speech.
CST-R history was presented, followed by a friendly trivia competition among the four sections. The Grade 7 Thomasians gamely joined and their energy filled the CST-R Cultural Hall with cheers, laughter and the competitive spirit.
The presentation of CST-R Administration, Faculty and Student Services Staff followed. Then, a trivia game for students put to the test their memory and recognition of the Thomasian religious administration, faculty and staff.
Cheerful jamming erupted from the crowd as each section of the Grade 7 showcased their talents, ranging from singing to dancing. The performances portrayed the hard work that the Grade 7 put into making their Pagkihimamat unforgettable.
A thrilling challenge of the viral TikTok video took place on stage as students danced their hearts out to hit songs and roars of excitement infected the new Thomasians.
As another edition of Pakighimamat was wrapped up, new memories were created and solidarity among Thomasians was strengthened.