Story & Media By Georgene Quilaton-Tambiga
May 17, 2022—The College of Criminal Justice Education is finally open!
By virtue of Government Permit No. 14, Series of 2022, dated May 16, 2022, from the Commission on Higher Education Region VI, Colegio de Sto. Tomas-Recoletos is now offering the Bachelor of Science in Criminology.
The program is under the College of Criminal Justice Education.
Augustinian Recollect administrators declared the college open last May 17, 2022 at the Sto. Tomas de Villanueva-Recoletos Chapel with Rev. Fr. Joel Alve, OAR, CST-R’s first college president.
During his homily, Rev. Fr. Vicente Ramon, Jr., OAR, VP Administration and Finance, reflected on how the Thomasian community finally “let go of its comfort zone” of being a secondary school in order to finally become a higher education institution (HEI). Fr Ramon related the school’s three-year long application to CHED that began at the turn of CST-R’s 80th Founding Anniversary back in 2019.
He also paid homage to the late Rev. Fr. Rafael Cabarles, OAR, whose insights and direction persuaded his brothers and the lay members of CST-R to make the “college dream” a reality.
Alongside BS Criminology, CST-R is also offering Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship that was given Government Permit No. 3, Series of 2022 by CHED RO6 back in February 8.
Also present during the declaration for CJE were Rev. Fr. Renier Alviola, OAR, the first VP for Religious Affairs, and visiting prelate Rev. Fr. Sir Michael Dineros, OAR.
Pre-registration for college level will begin on May 23, 2022. Those who are interested are invited to visit the CST-R Registrar.
Enrollment is set to start on June 6.