CST-R CAT-1 Day 2020: Thomasians March with ‘Discipline, Perseverance, Passion’

Story By: Georgene Quilaton-Tambiga

Photos By: Social Media Office

March 5, 2020—Discipline, perseverance and passion.

These three were the focal points of the speech of Fire C/Insp. Kim M. Celisio to Thomasian cadets during the Colegio de Sto. Tomas-Recoletos Citizen Army Training Day 2020.

Batch Kaakibat. At least 171 Thomasians showcased their skills during the CST-R CAT Day.

C/Insp. Celisio, who leads the San Carlos City Bureau of Fire Protection (SCC-BFP), was the guest speaker during the CAT Day that featured platoon chants and yells, the battalion ceremony drills, and platoon drill competition.

Rev. Fr. Joel A. Alve, OAR, school director and principal, told of the story of the Mapuche Indians of Chile during his inspirational talk.

Achievers. CST-R’s cadet officers lead the Battalion Ceremony.

Both C/Insp. Celisio and Fr. Alve lauded the relevance of CAT in instilling discipline and patriotism.  The BFP chief further pointed out that CAT promotes the formation of the Filipino youth, focus, responsibility and accountability. The school director shared the importance of preparing young Filipino citizens for when the nation needs to be defended against conquerors.

“We do work for peace; we do pray for peace. But we do not achieve peace if we do not understand how conflict arises and how conflict works.” Fr. Alve said.

Formation. Thomasians during the platoon drill

Batch Kaakibat has at least  171 Thomasians. Clad in their CAT t-shirts with wooden rifles in hand, they showcased skills and discipline during the Battalion Ceremony. Four platoons exhibited skills in marching and formation during the platoon drill competition.

Rifles in hand. Thomasians all geared for the platoon drill competition.


Thomasian cadets were led by Cdt. Col. Aaron Kristopher S. Lim, this year’s Battalion Commander. The school presently has 23 CAT-1 Commissioned Officers and 21 CAT-1 Non-Commissioned Officers.

Cmdt. Sofronio A. Maribojoc is the CST-R CAT-1 Commandant, a position he has held for 43 years.

Also in attendance during the ceremony was Rev. Fr. Vicente Ramon, Jr., OAR, who was in his military uniform as army major and military chaplain.


Officers, Leaders. L-R Rev. Fr. Vicente Ramon, Jr., OAR, army major and military chaplain; Fire C/Insp. Kim M. Celisio, BFP-San Carlos; Rev. Fr. Joel A. ALve, OAR, school director and principal
Officers of Batch Kaakibat


Flair. The CST-R Drum and Bugle Corps accompany the cadets during the Battalion Ceremony.
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