Experts Talk Business to Graduating Thomasians

Story and Photos by Maridel Hubahib

To prepare Thomasians for “Food Trip sa Tomas Entrep Week 2020,” business talks were held last March 4, 2020 at the Colegio de Sto. Tomas Cultural Center. Graduating students, who could become entrepreneurs after senior high school, were given vital pointers on how to start a business and how to deal with complications during the business venture.

Thomasian entrepreneurs sold international cuisine—American, Asian and European favorites included, as part of their performance task in Entrepreneurship Class.

Ms. Febe Verieza, local entrepreneur who had shared her experiences and stories about building her own business, Ms. Mia Aujero (Department of Trade and Industry representative),  Mr. Erel Lim. PESO-San Carlos representative, and Mr. Jan Cupang, CST-R ABM teacher, were among the speakers.

Aurejo had also shared strategies, tips and the legal requirements needed in starting up a business. Lim highlighted the importance of attitude in business transactions. While Cupang, focused his talk on business accounting, specifically, inventory and cost accounting.

Thomasians also raised their questions and comments during the open forum.


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