A N N O U N C E M E N T: SHS Early Enrollment Gets Moved to Feb 1, 2020

The Early Enrollment for the Senior High School Department (Grade 11) has been moved to FEBRUARY 1, 2020, Saturday. This is due to the Chinese New Year Holiday. Requirements are as follows: REQUIREMENTS FOR EARLY ENROLLMENT 1. Certificate of Good Moral Character from the School Principal or Guidance Counselor or Adviser 2. Photocopy of Report Card with 1st and 2nd Grading Period Grades 3. Clear Photocopy of PSA/NSO Birth Certificate 4. Entrance Fee (Refer to Treasurer’s Office) 5. Entrance Examination (for Senior High School only) 6. NCAE Rating Photocopy (for Senior High School only) *Parent/s or Guardian must accompany the student for enrollment and interview *FAPE-PEAC slots are limited (for Junior High School) *All incoming Grade 11 students from PUBLIC SCHOOLS are automatically Senior High School Voucher Program recipients.

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