IN PHOTOS: The CST-R Family Day 2025

Photos By Rachel Mae De Gracia, CVPro

Thomasian families gathered in fellowship last February 15, 2025 at the CST-R Quadrangle for the annual Family Day. From Grade 7 to 12, a sharing of faith testimonies, blessings, laughter, experiences, food, fun and bingo took place.

The event began with the Holy Mass that Rev. Fr. Cristopher C. Maspara, OAR, CST-R President, himself presided. Fr. Maspara made sure to share his reflection on this year’s Family Day Theme—Thomasian Families: Pilgrims of Hope and Christian Vocation.

He emphasized that as Pilgrims of Hope, Thomasian families must know that “Jesus recognizes the needs of the people and provides for them abundantly” and that every Thomasian family is “a place of sharing and generosity.”  Fr. Maspara, who is also a Thomasian, reminded the students that as children what they can share to their parents are “respect, kindness and service to the family.”

“Are you inspiring the next generation?”

The religious administrator, in turn, asked Thomasian parents as he continued sharing about how Thomasian families could become Pilgrims of Vocation.

The Family Day also included ball games with only two teams that both included parents, students, siblings of students and even teachers. Basketball enthusiasts braved the midday heat to shoot hoops while the mothers and aunts played volleyball.

After lunch, served under canopies, Thomasians began marking their bingo cards for the traditional Family Day Bingo.

“Are you inspiring the next generation?” Rev. Fr. Cristopher C. Maspara, OAR, CST-R President, posted the big question during his Family Day homily.
Freshies. The Grade 7 Thomasians dutifully attend the Family Day Holy Mass.


Fathers, Sons, Teachers, Brothers. The boys play basketball despite the heat all in the name of fun and camaraderie.
Bingo Afternoon. Ms. Maureen Dela Torre, Prefect of Discipline for Girls (L) and Ms. Ma. Nita V. Bolo, SDPC and HR Head, take turns in hosting the traditional bingo.
Waiting for Lunch. The girls of Grade 7 strike poses while waiting for lunch to be served.
Boys in Blue. Grade 10 boys hang out and talk while caterers fix their lunch under the acacia trees.
Thomasian Family decked in green
The Bingo Fun Begins. Fr. Maspara (L) and Ms. Maria Cindy Gabutas, Quality Assurance Officer, serve as quality control during the bingo session.
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